Sunday, 24 March 2013

We finally meet

“Hey Adit !”
“Do you know, you are late by 18 minutes”
“Look who is talking, you are the one who would leave at 9:005 for 9 am lecture.”
“Times have changed.”

It was almost 2 years back when I had last seen Aaradhya. Times had really changed. She was more beautiful now. 

“Congrats!” I said to her.
Thank you! And  thank you for agreeing to come with me, my parents are really busy with the preparations.
“Now let’s go to the station or we are going to miss the train, we are already late because of you”
She gave an angry look.

Train arriving on platform number 5 is Mumbai Chennai express

I want the window seat, she said as soon as we boarded the train.
“ok, seat near the window, why is your  luggage so heavy?”
“They are filled with sweets and other things for my relatives”
“Atleast help me put the luggage on the rack”
“What No?”
“I am not helping”
“why are you so bossy?”

“So, how are you”, I asked her as we settled in our seats.
“Mr. Adit, you completely forgot me, no message, no call :P “
“What!! you were the one who never replied.
There was a time when not a single day would pass without messaging you.
You were my best friend”.
“we both got busy with life”, she said struggling to find an apt answer.
“And now you are getting married”
“We should have never fought, she said. But it was all your fault”
“No way!”
“how is your girlfriend?
“Stop blushing!” she shouted and we both started laughing.
“When is Kshitij coming back?”
“Next week.”
“You guys had loads of fun in your college days.”
“Yup! We had awesome time. I miss those days. We had so many funny incidents.”
“Would you like to hear our stories?”
“Of course. I would love tooo…”
“Okay! Sit back. I am now going to tell you some of our awesome stories.”

click to read the FUKAT stories  - link


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